My Best Friend’s Wedding: How To Be A Killer Maid of Honour

Rise and SHINE lovelies! New day, fresh start. If you follow me on any of my personal social media avenues you’ll clearly know that I’m basically obsessed with weddings and all things LOVE. I am literally counting down the seconds until I can call Todd my husband (eeeeek 318 days!)  I feel like my Instagram…

September Ninth Two Thousand + Sixteen: The Best Day Of My Life

Hi my little chicken nuggets! I can’t believe how much time passes between blog posts. It’s funny how sometimes I let life get in the way of things that I love doing, like writing. Anyways, we’re currently undergoing some changes, and with wedding planning everything is completely nuts! I promise I’ll update you soon (…


I’m ENGAGED! Of course, if you follow me on any of my personal social media outlets then I’m sure you were already well aware. I mean, I can’t help it! I never thought it would be possible to be so obsessed with my hand! If I’m not gawking at my ring finger then I’m busy…